MARCH Month Mean Rainfall mm Rel. Humidity % Daily Sunshine Hrs Temp. Max Celcius Temp. Min Celcius March 22,1 73 9,5 25,3 14,2 POSITION Days are clearly getting shorter but it is still hot and mostly dry although we may have a shower now and again if we are fortunate. WATERING The bonsai grower’s most important […]
Bonsai Tasks to do in Cape Town in February
FEBRUARY Month Mean Rainfall mm Rel. Humidity % Daily Sunshine Hrs Temp. Max Celcius Temp. Min Celcius Feb 18,0 71 10,6 26,3 15,5 POSITION This is the hottest month in our area and rain is very unlikely. Winds are infrequent but when they come they are very drying and blow what little humidity there may […]
Bonsai Tasks to do in Cape Town in January
JANUARY Month Mean Rainfall mm Rel. Humidity % Daily Sunshine Hrs Temp. Max Celcius Temp. Min Celcius Jan 11,6 70 11,1 26 15,7 POSITION Long, hot, windy days, trees need protection & must not be allowed to dry out. WATERING Humidity is low, mist and place containers of water between trees to increase humidity. […]