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Bonsai Tasks to do in Cape Town – December


MonthMean Rainfall mmRel.  Humidity %Daily Sun­shine HrsTemp. Max CelsiusTemp. Min Celsius
POSITION The sun is high and the days are long, humidity is very low so trees may have to be moved to partial shade. It is kind to most bonsai if the ambient humidity could be increased by placing dishes or water around or by keeping ground under the benches damp. Misting is an ideal way of increasing moisture in the air.
WATERINGFrequent south-east winds blow during December drying bonsai out. A few hours of totally dry roots is enough to kill a tree, so this watering is a vital daily task. 
FERTILISINGConstant watering leaches nutrients out of the soil and they need to be replaced. Do not feed totally dry trees, water them before applying fertilisers. 
DISEASE CONTROLWatch for insect pests and diseases, they do not take holidays, use appropriate measures. Remember it is normally inadvisable to mix pesticides together due to possible chemical reactions. Mix only as much pesticide or fertiliser as you can use at once, many chemicals, once mixed oxidise and may become harmful.
PRUNINGMaintenance pruning and nipping should be carried out this month. Some design pruning and wiring may also be done.
POTTINGThe only trees that may be potted are wild figs. If very little root disturbance is required trees may be transferred to other pots.
REMARKSThis is show time and holidays. Enjoy both and visit bonsai friends. 
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