Month | Mean Rainfall mm | Rel. Humidity % | Daily SunÂshine Hrs | Temp. Max Celcius | Temp. Min Celcius |
August | 73,7 | 79 | 6,7 | 17,8 | 7,4 |
POSITION | Still wet, cold, windy and dark but beneath the gloom sap is rising and potting is hectic. Finish potting deciduous trees this month and add acacias to the list. |
WATERING | Little watering required but be wary of consecutive dry days. Check drainage holes in pots and if trees are not draining properly lift them up and place coarse gravel under them. |
FERTILISING | It is still very early to apply feeds but growth stimulants may be used. Once growth commences fertilisers may be used. |
DISEASE CONTROL | Pests are waking up and whilst humans are still reluctant to go outdoors pests may be damaging little trees. Take the necessary precautions. |
PRUNING | Pruning may now be carried out freely, stimulating growth by pruning on both deciduous and evergreens are useful. |
POTTING | Deciduous trees may still be potted but take care with evergreens it is still too cold for them. Only pot when the onset of growth is obvious. |
REMARKS | August days are longer but temperatures are still lower than in June. This area is still in winter, so take care not to do things best left to spring. |
SUISEKI AND PENJINGThe weather is conducive to collecting rocks as SUISEKI or for creating PENJING. It is also very healthy both physically and mentally to get outdoors and to enjoy a special closeness with nature.