Buddleja saligna Bonsai potted in a ceramic glazed Chinese bonsai pot. This species is indigenous and evergreen.
Dimensions 17 x 13 x 26 cm
Grown from cutting in 2001.
Buddleja, commonly known as the butterfly bush or false olive, is not only a beloved garden plant but also holds great potential as a captivating bonsai specimen. Its fast growth rate and flexible branches make it an excellent choice for bonsai enthusiasts looking to create intricate designs and maintain a compact size. The foliage of the buddleja bonsai, which dramatically reduces in size with regular pruning, is particularly attractive, ranging from silvery-gray to deep green, adding visual interest and texture to the display. In the garden, when left unpruned, the buddleja produces abundant clusters of fragrant flowers that act as a magnet for butterflies and other pollinators, enhancing the enchanting appeal of the tree. Beyond its ornamental value, buddleja has traditional medicinal uses, with the roots serving as a purgative and the leaves being utilized for the treatment of coughs and colds. With its evergreen foliage, frost hardiness, and drought resistance, buddleja is a reliable choice for bonsai enthusiasts in a variety of climates. Widely distributed throughout South Africa, it holds a special place in the hearts of both gardeners and nature lovers alike.
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