Cork bark Elm Bonsai also known as Ulmus parvifolia ‘Cork Bark’ potted in a ceramic glazed Chinese bonsai pot.
Grown from cutting in 2000.
Dimensions 31 x 23 x 41cm.
Photo taken in Summer.
Cork bark elms (Ulmus spp.) make excellent bonsai specimens due to their unique and visually appealing bark texture. These elms, also known as rough bark elms or Ulmus parvifolia ‘Corticosa’, feature a distinctive corky bark that adds character and interest to the bonsai design. The bark develops attractive patterns of ridges and furrows, resembling aged and weathered tree trunks.
Cork bark elms have small leaves that reduce well in bonsai cultivation. Their foliage can vary in shape and size depending on the specific elm species or cultivar chosen. This versatility allows bonsai enthusiasts to create various styles and designs.
Cork bark elms are also hardy and resilient trees, able to withstand a wide range of growing conditions. They are relatively low-maintenance and can tolerate periods of drought, making them suitable for both beginner and experienced bonsai growers. With proper care, these elms can develop a refined canopy and display beautiful autumn colours when the leaves turn vibrant shades of yellow and orange
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