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Bonsai tasks to do in Cape Town in September


MonthMean Rainfall mmRel.  Humidity %Daily Sun­shine HrsTemp. Max CelciusTemp. Min Celcius
POSITION Still cold, rainy and windy but the signs of spring are emerging and buds are swelling. Some trees are well into new leaf.
WATERINGWater if it does not rain for a few days. Wind causes evaporation even on really cold days.
FERTILISINGAs deciduous trees come into leaf they will benefit from light feeds. Evergreens that show signs of growth may also be fed lightly. Growth stimulants may be used but remember that they are not substitutes for fertiliser. After the heavy rains of winter nutrients have been leached out of the small quantity of soil in bonsai pots. Bonsai are dependant on feeding. 
DISEASE CONTROLPests, especially sucking mites and some fungi are active, take steps to control if necessary before they debilitate a bonsai.
PRUNINGAllow the soft branchlets on deciduous trees to extend to about seven leaves and then prune back to 2 leaves. This is a vital exercise to build up a fine network of small branchlets (ramification).
POTTINGIt is best to wait until next month for potting evergreens but some deciduous trees which are not yet in leaf may be judiciously potted. 
REMARKSAn exciting time of the year for bonsai enthusiasts as new growth appears. It’s a good time to spring clean and tidy up. Do not be discouraged by the odd storm which causes a mess, look upon the clean-up as a relaxing and therapeutic exercise. Remove spent blossoms on winter flowering bonsai such as azaleas. The production of seed takes a lot out of a small bonsai.
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