MARCH Month Mean Rainfall mm Rel. Humidity % Daily Sunshine Hrs Temp. Max Celcius Temp. Min Celcius March 22,1 73 9,5 25,3 14,2 POSITION Days are clearly getting shorter but it is still hot and mostly dry although we may have a shower now and again if we are fortunate. WATERING The bonsai grower’s most important […]
Bishopsford Bonsai Nursery, situated in Cape Town, South Africa, provides a comprehensive monthly guide detailing the essential bonsai tasks to be undertaken throughout each specific month. By adhering to these expert guidelines and diligently attending to these tasks, you can effectively ensure the continued vitality and thriving condition of your cherished bonsai trees, especially during the busy month of June. This invaluable guidance stems from our extensive experience of over 54 years dedicated to cultivating and nurturing bonsai trees.
Bonsai Tasks to do in Cape Town in February
FEBRUARY Month Mean Rainfall mm Rel. Humidity % Daily Sunshine Hrs Temp. Max Celcius Temp. Min Celcius Feb 18,0 71 10,6 26,3 15,5 POSITION This is the hottest month in our area and rain is very unlikely. Winds are infrequent but when they come they are very drying and blow what little humidity there may […]
Bonsai Tasks to do in Cape Town in January
JANUARY Month Mean Rainfall mm Rel. Humidity % Daily Sunshine Hrs Temp. Max Celcius Temp. Min Celcius Jan 11,6 70 11,1 26 15,7 POSITION Long, hot, windy days, trees need protection & must not be allowed to dry out. WATERING Humidity is low, mist and place containers of water between trees to increase humidity. […]
Bonsai Tasks to do in Cape Town – December
DECEMBER Month Mean Rainfall mm Rel. Humidity % Daily Sunshine Hrs Temp. Max Celsius Temp. Min Celsius Dec 13,9 70 10,8 25,1 14,9 POSITION The sun is high and the days are long, humidity is very low so trees may have to be moved to partial shade. It is kind to most bonsai if the […]
Bonsai Tasks to do in Cape Town – November
NOVEMBER Month Mean Rainfall mm Rel. Humidity % Daily Sunshine Hrs Temp. Max Celsius Temp. Min Celsius November 13,7 70 10,3 23,6 13,0 POSITION The start of hot dry summer weather may be experienced, some trees may need to be moved to less sunny spots or, if necessary, put up shade cloth. Remember, trees need very […]
Bonsai tasks to do in Cape Town – October
OCTOBER SPRING TIME! Month Mean Rainfall mm Rel. Humidity % Daily Sunshine Hrs Temp. Max Celsius Temp. Min Celsius October 32,7 74 8,9 21,2 10,6 POSITION Early spring! All or nearly all deciduous plants are out in leaf, the soft new foliage is a delight. We normally still experience rain and some cool weather is still around […]
Bonsai tasks to do in Cape Town in September
SEPTEMBER Month Mean Rainfall mm Rel. Humidity % Daily Sunshine Hrs Temp. Max Celcius Temp. Min Celcius Sept 41,7 77 7,7 19,2 8,7 POSITION Still cold, rainy and windy but the signs of spring are emerging and buds are swelling. Some trees are well into new leaf. WATERING Water if it does not rain for a […]
Bonsai tasks to do in Cape Town in August
AUGUST Month Mean Rainfall mm Rel. Humidity % Daily Sunshine Hrs Temp. Max Celcius Temp. Min Celcius August 73,7 79 6,7 17,8 7,4 POSITION Still wet, cold, windy and dark but beneath the gloom sap is rising and potting is hectic. Finish potting deciduous trees this month and add acacias to the list. WATERING Little watering […]
Bonsai Tasks to do in Cape Town – July
JULY Month Mean Rainfall mm Rel. Humidity % Daily Sunshine Hrs Temp. Max Celcius Temp. Min Celcius July 96,9 81 6,2 17,4 7,1 POSITION The shortest day has passed and days are getting longer but only marginally. The same remarks apply as for June. WATERING The water table is high and frequent rains and dull days […]
Bonsai tasks to do in Cape Town in June
Bonsai tasks to do in Cape Town in June June can be a busy period for bonsai enthusiasts, and there are several time-sensitive activities to focus on during this month. Here’s a breakdown of the tasks mentioned: • Clean and disinfect your bonsai benches to maintain a healthy environment for your trees. • Remove dead […]