MAY Month Mean Rainfall mm Rel. Humidity % Daily SunÂshine Hrs Temp. Max Celcius Temp. Min Celcius May 76,7 80 6,3 20 9,5 POSITION Some showers and cooler weather are on the way. Some bonsai may have to be moved into sunnier spots or shade cloth may have to be removed. WATERING As usual watering needs […]
Bonsai Tasks to do in Cape Town in April
APRIL Month Mean Rainfall mm Rel. Humidity % Daily SunÂshine Hrs Temp. Max Celcius Temp. Min Celcius April 55,5 76 7,8 22,8 11,8 POSITION Early autumn and a delightful time of year; some showers may be expected. The sun is no longer so fierce and days are getting shorter. WATERING Bonsai tend to dry out and […]